杰克·皮尔斯:怪物制造者 Jack Pierce: The Maker of Monsters(2015)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Strephon Taylor
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In today's cinematic world of digital effects, telling what is real from what was created in a computer is impossible. But there was a time when Hollywood relied on nothing more than an artist's ability to create a boogie man with grease paint, cotton, glue, hair, and a few simple materials to draw people into the theater to be chilled and thrilled. When we think back to these ......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 暂无
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 6.2
- 简介:
- Engrossing tale of a mother investigating her son's mysterious death, and finding much more than she...
- 评论:
- 我国观众是看着帝王将相、才子佳人长大的观众,就算本届青年,没看过四爷宇宙0.0篇《雍正王朝》的,这几年复古之风一刮,《甄嬛传》也补得差不多了。这样的血脉滋养,这样的东亚传统,是容不得宫廷剧恶搞的,望周知。我不知道导演是不是也有怀旧情节想复刻《太子妃升职记》。但我真心希望以后的业内不要再小觑这部作品,它是穷、它是异想天开、它是有很多逗比情节设计,但是太子妃的核心议题是一个非常正经甚至因此带上宿命悲怆的故事。男心女身的女主看似夸张不羁,看待宫帷却从未放下过男性视角的残酷清醒,这让她和男主的感情注成悲剧(只能跑到现代强HE)。只有紧紧把住宫斗剧深沉残酷的底色,才能经得起看似恶搞的解构,不然,就跟几位豆友对新川的评价一样:低龄幼稚。
- 挺无聊的剧情,属于不能带脑子看的那种剧。本来期待白敬亭,但是没想到他颜值下滑的太厉害了,反而不看好的田曦薇好看又可爱